Course Duration
The course is normally delivered live online via Zoom webinar, with a duration of 2 hours.
The aim of this course is to give the delegate an appreciation of the basic chemistry of fire and how fire growth takes place. It will also look to identify how a building performs in a fire and how the building design will contain the fire.
Course content
The basic principles of fire science
Understanding fire growth
Understanding how fires can move through a building
What is Pyrolisation?
What is the difference between a flashover and a backdraught?
How fire behaves in a building and how it is contained
How certain structural designs are affected by fire
How fire spread is inhibited by Active and Passive Fire Safety Measures
How fire affects a person’s ability to think logically in a fire condition
What hazards are presented by a fire that affects a person to think in a fire condition?
How fires affect persons in different settings
The affect on family groups in fire situations
Peer pressure when fire alarms activate
Understanding the affect of frequent false alarms on a person’s ability to respond to a fire alarm
Understanding escape route design and why persons will only use those that they are familiar with